Tag: Home Seller

Posted on 03/11/2022
Seller: Which Kitchen Remodeling Projects Increase Your Home's Market Value?
Kitchens are among the bigger factors that can affect a home’s value. If you’re going to put your home up for sale soon or if you’re just looking for smart changes to make to your kitchen money-wise, consider remodeling projects that boost your home’s value. Which kinds of kitchen upgrades end up paying off the most in the...
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Posted on 08/13/2021
Many Potential Home Sellers Stay Put
Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay Construction of affordable starter homes is failing to keep pace with the number of first-time house hunters. At the same time, more homeowners are resisting the siren song of selling to these potential buyers in order to move up or downsize. It's a trend called "rising tenure length." Owners are staying put....
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Posted on 11/20/2020
What to Consider When You Evaluate Different Offers for Your Home
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay Whether it is a seller's market or you just have an appealing home, you could end up with multiple offers -- how can you decide which offer is best? Your agent is an excellent source of information and can help widdle through unqualified buyers, but if you still have to choose between multiple...
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Posted on 05/29/2020
How to Know When It's Time to Sell Your Home as an Investment Property
Photo by fran hogan on Unsplash If you’re a homeowner considering selling your home as an investment property, timing is important. From a financial perspective, just as you probably bought strategically, you want to sell strategically too. The trick is knowing when the right time arrives. Here are four common metrics people use to determine when it's time...
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Posted on 01/24/2020
Legal Reasons to Back Out of a Real Estate Purchase Contract
Photo by Gerd Altmann via PixabayOnce you sign a purchase agreement, whether you are the buyer or seller, it is very difficult to back out of it. However, as a buyer, you are able to back out if your real estate agent drafts the contract properly. Real estate agents use a standard contract. That does not mean that...
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